Oxford Consultech is a consulting company providing Technical assistance in the following sectors:
Telecoms and Internet, Energy, Biomedical and Environment. Technology adviser, Consulting and Innovation
Project Involvement
EU , EuropeAid & US AID , US Navy, UN , Medium or Large Corporation, private initiative. …. Getting WiMax and 2.4GHz Wi-Fi in Africa and AfrikaNet Internet broadband on the move with Major worldwide actors.
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VSAT & Internet Broadband via Satellite, Project Management, Quality & Organisation, Software Design & Development, Telecommunication Sector ( PDH, SDH, GSM, GPRS, UMTS, Wireless LAN, Wi-Fi, Wireless Telephony , Rural Telephony ) , Energy Sector (Command Control and Fault Management) , Defence Sector ( NATO or non NATO) , Biomedical Sector, Environment Sector, etc …
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